Content consumption patterns and user attitudes in the Facebook-dominated Hungarian digital media ecosystem

August 8, 2018

Facebook has become the most important content distributor platform globally, thus in the Hungarian digital media ecosystem as well. The relationship between the platform, which functions as the largest aggregator platform next to Google, and ‘traditional’ online media companies (content providers) is particularly controversial. Based on the data made available by two recent Hungarian research projects and a comparison of these with international research findings, this paper looks at two specific areas. One the one hand, it asks the question of what the main trends are in content sharing and interactions on Facebook and what conclusions could be drawn from these trends. On the other hand, that of what users’ attitudes are towards content consumption on Facebook, and what effect Facebook may have on the perception of content providers’ brands and content. The data on Hungarian Facebook content consumption patterns is mainly derived from two research projects which were commissioned by the Association of Hungarian Content Providers, funded by the Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority, and carried out by NRC Research and lyZR.